The Ultimate Response
2 Peter 3:9
Amazement is an appropriate and, in fact, unavoidable response to the words and teachings of Jesus. But our response to them should not end with amazement or even serious pondering. The ultimate response to Jesus’ teaching is belief and obedience. He did not expound the truths He did merely for our astonishment or information. He taught what He did for our salvation.
Many respond to Jesus by merely considering His words and actions but not embracing them. What is your ultimate response?
MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 264). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.
Lessons Learned: God is truly patient and merciful. He endures so much rebellion and sin from us, and yet He still loves us and continues to call His redeemed elect to Himself. But eventually His patience will end and His divine judgment will come. He will have completed His calling of those He has chosen and the rest who have still rejected Him will perish. All of us are unworthy and deserving of punishment, but those who come to repentance and have faith in Christ Jesus have crossed over from death to life (John 5:24).
Applications: Since we have been given a second chance that we do not deserve, let us take every opportunity to serve and obey our Lord. Just as God is patient and faithful and merciful, let us unwearyingly, dependably, cheerfully follow His commandments to love Him and to love our neighbor (Mat 22:37-39). In the same way, let us fulfill His great commission to go everywhere and make disciples and teach them to follow Christ as well (Mat 28:19-20).
Prayer Subjects: Pray for patience and understanding towards others, just as God is patient with me. Pray for the gospel message to be spread, so that all whom He has chosen will come to Him and be redeemed before judgment day comes. Pray that I would be a doer of The Word and that I would respond to The Word with belief and obedience.