Monday, August 22, 2005

False Assurance

Not everyone who says to Me, “Lord, Lord,” shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven.

Matthew 7:21

The New Testament gives very high standards for discerning the true Christian life, and it also issues many warnings to avoid self–deception concerning salvation (see Mat 25).

One of the causes of self–deception is a wrong understanding of the doctrine of assurance. Many people become self-deceived by well–meaning Christian witnesses who tell them that to be saved, they simply have to make a decision for Christ and then, based on that prayer of decision, never doubt their salvation again.

Sadly, such evangelistic workers are attempting to certify someone’s salvation apart from the convicting work of the Holy Spirit and the future evidence of spiritual fruit accompanied by obedience to the Word (John 8:31). Only God can give a person real assurance of salvation, by the Spirit working through His Word (see Rom 8:14-16).

MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 255). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.

Lessons Learned: Empty words will not save you, nor will works. Salvation only comes by the repentance of sins and receiving Christ in faith. The convicting work of the Holy Spirit will lead to sanctification and it will produce good spiritual fruit in a true disciple. By self-examination and self-confrontation, we can see if we are living according to God's word. If we are obedient and growing in Christ, we can have assurance of our salvation (1 John 5:11-13). If we are rebellious and not walking with Christ, we must re-examine ourselves and get right with God, regardless of any profession of belief we may have made in the past. If we are not in Christ, then surely God the Father will not know us.

Applications: Works and words without true spiritual growth, are superficial and meaningless. We must work towards Christ-likeness with the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Practice spiritual disciplines because you take joy in glorifying God by your commitment, not as a duty or obligation, relunctantly followed out of guilt or pride. Professing belief in Christ is not just a matter of saying that He is your redeemer. Having saving faith is living with Him as your Lord, Master, and Savior.

Prayer Subjects: Pray for the contentment which comes from true assurance of salvation. Pray that I would remain submissive and obedient to God's word and always seek His glory. Pray that I would be able to minister to those who may be in doubt about their salvation, and that I would be able to help them understand the commitments and costs involved in following the narrow path of Christ. Pray that they may enter by the narrow gate, and afterwards have assurance and faith in the power of God.
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