Childlike Dependency
Unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:3
When speaking of genuine salvation, Jesus made an apt comparison to the characteristics of young children. To be saved, you must come to Christ with the dependent attitude and outlook of a little child: simple, helpless, trusting, unaffected, unpretentious, and unambitious.
It’s not that children are without sin, but that they are naïve and unassuming, dependent on others and free from selfish claims to grandeur. They submit to the care of their parents and other loved ones, relying on them to meet all their needs. That’s the kind of humble and dependent attitude anyone must have who seeks to enter the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 240). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.
Lessons Learned: Salvation involves being "born again". We are reborn into God's family, with Him as our Father, Christ as our brother and ourselves along with all other christians as God's adopted children. We being as little children, needing to grow and mature spiritually. We must be submissive and dependent on God our heavenly father to care for us and teach us just as children rely on their parents to care for them.
Applications: Remember that we begin our christian lives as new creations, as spiritual babies. We must look to God to feed us, to teach us, and to help us grow spiritually into mature brothers and sisters of Christ. Study scripture to be fed and taught by God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us to grow spiritually. Follow Christ, The Son's example in submitting to The Father in obedience. As His children we must honor God our Father in the same way by submitting to Him and obeying Him.
Prayer Subjects: Pray for a childlike attitude toward my spiritual growth. Pray for humility and for a dependance on my Father God, not on myself. Pray for God's parental guidance and His provision so that I can grow from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity. Listen to this entry
Matthew 18:3
When speaking of genuine salvation, Jesus made an apt comparison to the characteristics of young children. To be saved, you must come to Christ with the dependent attitude and outlook of a little child: simple, helpless, trusting, unaffected, unpretentious, and unambitious.
It’s not that children are without sin, but that they are naïve and unassuming, dependent on others and free from selfish claims to grandeur. They submit to the care of their parents and other loved ones, relying on them to meet all their needs. That’s the kind of humble and dependent attitude anyone must have who seeks to enter the kingdom of Jesus Christ.
MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 240). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.
Lessons Learned: Salvation involves being "born again". We are reborn into God's family, with Him as our Father, Christ as our brother and ourselves along with all other christians as God's adopted children. We being as little children, needing to grow and mature spiritually. We must be submissive and dependent on God our heavenly father to care for us and teach us just as children rely on their parents to care for them.
Applications: Remember that we begin our christian lives as new creations, as spiritual babies. We must look to God to feed us, to teach us, and to help us grow spiritually into mature brothers and sisters of Christ. Study scripture to be fed and taught by God. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable us to grow spiritually. Follow Christ, The Son's example in submitting to The Father in obedience. As His children we must honor God our Father in the same way by submitting to Him and obeying Him.
Prayer Subjects: Pray for a childlike attitude toward my spiritual growth. Pray for humility and for a dependance on my Father God, not on myself. Pray for God's parental guidance and His provision so that I can grow from spiritual infancy to spiritual maturity. Listen to this entry
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