Authoritative Teaching
The people were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having authority.
Matthew 7:28-29
One fact that struck Jesus’ audiences as much as any other was that He was an authoritative teacher. The most predominant New Testament word used for authority pertains to power and privilege and demonstrates the sovereignty of Christ.
In contrast to Jesus, the Jewish scribes quoted others to lend authority to their teachings. The Lord needed to quote only God’s Word and could speak as the final authority on truth. He spoke eternal truth simply, directly, powerfully, yet with love and compassion. That astounded His hearers—and it should also profoundly impress us.
MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 263). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.
Lessons Learned: What is it that gives a teacher credibility? It is the reliability of the material they teach. If any part of their teaching is suspect, then it casts doubt upon their entire curriculum. Jesus based every parable, every sermon He taught on scripture which is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God (1 Tim 3:15-17). Jesus based His truth on the absolute truth of the bible, not on the teachings and opinions of fallible men.
Applications: Do not rely on your own understanding or the knowledge of the world, but on the absolute truth of scripture. The bible is the authoritative Word of God and is sufficient for all salvation and godliness. The bible may not cover every minute detail of life, but the principals taught in it are applicable and sufficient for discernment in every moral choice we make. We must learn how we are to live from the only truly credible, reliable source, the bible.
Prayer Subjects: Pray for wisdom and discernment in filtering out what is biblical and what is not in what I learn each day. Pray that I would base how I live, the moral choices I make each day, on a solid understanding of biblical principals so I can grow in Christ-likeness. Pray that when I instruct or counsel others, that I would base my teachings on the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative word of God, and not on my own or other peoples beliefs and opinions. Listen to this entry
Matthew 7:28-29
One fact that struck Jesus’ audiences as much as any other was that He was an authoritative teacher. The most predominant New Testament word used for authority pertains to power and privilege and demonstrates the sovereignty of Christ.
In contrast to Jesus, the Jewish scribes quoted others to lend authority to their teachings. The Lord needed to quote only God’s Word and could speak as the final authority on truth. He spoke eternal truth simply, directly, powerfully, yet with love and compassion. That astounded His hearers—and it should also profoundly impress us.
MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 263). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.
Lessons Learned: What is it that gives a teacher credibility? It is the reliability of the material they teach. If any part of their teaching is suspect, then it casts doubt upon their entire curriculum. Jesus based every parable, every sermon He taught on scripture which is the inspired, inerrant, infallible, and authoritative Word of God (1 Tim 3:15-17). Jesus based His truth on the absolute truth of the bible, not on the teachings and opinions of fallible men.
Applications: Do not rely on your own understanding or the knowledge of the world, but on the absolute truth of scripture. The bible is the authoritative Word of God and is sufficient for all salvation and godliness. The bible may not cover every minute detail of life, but the principals taught in it are applicable and sufficient for discernment in every moral choice we make. We must learn how we are to live from the only truly credible, reliable source, the bible.
Prayer Subjects: Pray for wisdom and discernment in filtering out what is biblical and what is not in what I learn each day. Pray that I would base how I live, the moral choices I make each day, on a solid understanding of biblical principals so I can grow in Christ-likeness. Pray that when I instruct or counsel others, that I would base my teachings on the inspired, inerrant, infallible, authoritative word of God, and not on my own or other peoples beliefs and opinions. Listen to this entry
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