Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Useless Speech

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth.

Ephesians 4:29

Rotten fruit smells terrible and is worthless. You don’t want to get near it, let alone eat it. The same thing is true of rotten language. Whether it is off–color jokes, profanity, dirty stories, or crude speech, in no way should it characterize a Christian.

Psalm 141:3 tells us how to eliminate such speech: “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips.” If Jesus Christ is the doorkeeper of your lips, He will be the one to determine what comes out of them.

MacArthur, J. (2001). Truth for today : A daily touch of God's grace (Page 184). Nashville, Tenn.: J. Countryman.
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